Lockers for Baggage Storage Areas
Surely you have travelled and met a situation where you had to wait for check-in and check-out time? Usually when you go to a tourist destination, after leaving the airport to get to the hotel to check in, you realize you arrived earlier than expected, or maybe the hotel was not be able to arrange available rooms on time. Waiting in the hotel lobby with a bunch of luggage can be depressing, although this should be a happy vacation.
Besides, as a hotel manager, you will also feel guilty when your guests are in that situation, right?
MCU electronic locker cabinets will be a perfect choice for your hotel as it eliminates such situations. There will no longer be a situation where customers have to hug heaps of luggage suitcases scattered in the lobby anymore.
Now, with the MCU electronic locker, guests can come to the hotel to put their luggage in the cupboard and freely entertain themselves while waiting for check-in or check-out. In addition, cabinets can be integrated with the management software so that the hotel can move the luggages to the guest room while guests are out to save time.
The outstanding advantages of MCU electronic locker cabinets:
- Infrared sensor in the cabinet helps identify if the drawer is empty or occupied
- LED lights in the cabinet help customers locate items in ease even under low light conditions
- Cabinets are designed according to the Cubic effect to increase the visual effect in the eyes of the viewer, enhancing the elegance of the cabinet
- Many options for sending and receiving methods such as using a PIN, a barcode or RFID chip
- Diverse colors and customised images can be designed upon request
- Fully automated and saves management costs
MCU electronic locker options for luggage storage area:
- MCU locker cabinets use barcodes
- MCU locker cabinets use PIN
- MCU locker cabinets use RFID wristbands
Number of drawers: 12 – 16 – 20 – 24 – 28 – 36 – 48 optional